User guide Part III. Telegram Chats Page
After the bot is added, you can create a task chat or a project chat on the chat's page.
The chat's page is available after installing the plugin and completing admin authorization the link is located on the project's sidebar:
![Click the image to open in full size](../../assets/img/screenshots/telegram/cloud/project-sidebar-navigation.png)
On the chat's page, you can see all the project chats if you are a project administrator, or chats where you are the owner or member.
![Click the image to open in full size](../../assets/img/screenshots/telegram/cloud/telegram-chats-page.png)
On this page, you can create a new chat or edit an existing one.
You can use the following parameters:
Type - chat type. It can have a value: Issue, Project.
Issue - contains the issue key for the Issue chats, it is non-editable for Project chat.
Auto post comments - this parameter determines whether all messages in the Telegram chat written by participants will be published as comments to the issue.
Notification - this parameter determines whether notifications will be sent to the Telegram chat.
Note: if you do not specify it, you won't receive notifications in Telegram, also, this parameter could not be changed after chat creation -
Issue events - a list of events for which notifications will come to the chat.
For Issue chats:
Issue Resolved
Issue Closed
Issue Assigned
Issue Commented
Issue Comment Edited
Issue Reopened
Issue Progress Started
Issue Generic Event
Issue Created
Issue Deleted
Issue Resolved
Issue Closed
Issue Assigned
Issue Commented
Issue Comment Edited
Issue Reopened
Issue Progress Started
Issue Generic Event
Owner - a non-editable parameter, automatically sets the current user. The owner in the Telegram chat will be considered the chat owner and will have the chat administrator rights.
Users - a list of chat members who are in the chat and have the rights of regular users.
Administrators - a list of chat members who are in the chat and have the rights of Telegram chat administrators.
- Action - for users who are not the owners of the chat, a Leave button is displayed in this column. Upon clicking, the current user exits the chat.
Note: Only authorized Telegram users that have access to the project are provided in chat member lists (Users, Administrators).
Note: When adding a member to the chat:
If the user is not in the chat owner's contact list or the user has privacy settings enabled, a notification will appear after adding them to the chat:
Also, the user will have a corresponding icon in the member list:
Note: On the Telegram side, the bot will send an invitation link to this user for the current chat.
Until the added user accepts the invitation, they cannot be appointed as a chat administrator. If an attempt is made to appoint them as an administrator, a repeat chat invitation will be sent to them !
Also, you can see the following message:
This message contains a list of users who have not sent the /start command to the bot.
If the user in the members lists has the following icon:
This indicates that the member has logged out of the Telegram application plugin and needs to log in again on the plugin authorization page.
Note: This user can only be removed from the members lists.
Note: If instead of the chats page you see the following message, you need to authenticate. How to do this is described in the User guide. Part I. Registration.
![Click the image to open in full size](../../assets/img/screenshots/telegram/cloud/telegram-chats-page-unauthorized.png)