Itransition Group

HelpCenter Corrector Documentation

The HelpCenter Corrector plugin is designed to restrict access to a Jira Service Management (former Service Desk) HelpCenter. The app is also compatible with RefinedTheme for Jira Service Desk.
There are three types of restrictions: for all users at once, per group, and for users without a group.
The plugin settings page can be found in the “Other” section of the “Manage apps" page.

Installation and configuration

Add or update restriction

After clicking the "Configure" button, we appear at the configuration page, where you can set up the plugin.

To restrict access to the HelpCenter for all users do the following:

  1. Select “All users” in the “Restriction type” dropdown list (you are not able to set groups for this type of restriction).
  2. Specify the URL to redirect.
    Note: base url will be set to your instance URL.
  3. Press “Save” button to save changes.
  4. Press “Enable” button, if it is not enabled, to enable restriction.
Base URL will be set to your instance URL.

To disable “All users” restriction press “Disable” button.

“All users” restriction overrides any other restriction.

After that, all HelpCenter links in Service Desk will be hidden from any user. If the user tries to access HelpCenter using a direct link, he will be redirected to the URL that you have specified.

There is also an option to save the top-left corner Help Center link (see the screenshot) but replace its URL with the one that is configured. To do so please check the "Preserve Header Link" checkbox.

Help Center header link

Preserve Header Link

To set up group restriction do the following:

  1. Select “Group” in “Restriction type” dropdown list.
  2. Specify a group or groups separated by commas manually or use "Group picker" icon to open group picker search form.
  3. Specify the URL to redirect. Note: base URL will be set to your instance URL.
  4. Press “Save” button to save changes. The restriction will be added to the table if there are no other restrictions, or it will be updated.

After these steps, all HelpCenter links in ServiceDesk will be hidden from any user that belongs to a group you have specified. If the user tries to access HelpCenter using a direct link, he will be redirected to the URL that you provided.

The steps for editing are the same as for adding - value will be updated.

Restrictions set up

Remove restriction

To remove restrictions do the following:

  1. Find the “Restricted group” section.
  2. Select the restriction you need to remove in the “Groups” dropdown button or select "All users"/"Users without group".
  3. Select a restriction that needs to be removed.
  4. Press “Delete” button.

Dropdown list with restricted groups

Search Bar Options

If you need to remove the search bar from the Service Desk portals overview screen (Help Center) or from the Customer Portal screen you can use the following options:

“Search Bar Options” applied to all users at once.

Search Bar options

Search Bar shown

Search Bar hidden